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[AGF]≡ [PDF] Free Project Runaway Anne Hendren 9780615821344 Books

Project Runaway Anne Hendren 9780615821344 Books

Download As PDF : Project Runaway Anne Hendren 9780615821344 Books

Download PDF Project Runaway Anne Hendren 9780615821344 Books

Set in New York and the Rocky Mountain west, Project Runaway wraps suicide and fraud inside the opulent intrigue of fashion and design in New York. Fashion designer Karin Ohlsson moves to the U.S. capital of fashion in 2004 to design clothes. She escapes but cannot quell a recurring dream—death and headstones. In New York she learns that original design does not exist and decides to run away. Like indentured servants before her, who followed star quilts and quilt patterns she uses the knowledge of sewing to escape. Her ailing aunt, quilting circle and a preservation architect encourage her runaway dream, a eponymous line in the Northwest. When the western studio fails because of deception and death Karin returns to New York to design and to realize her aunt’s dying wish.

Project Runaway Anne Hendren 9780615821344 Books

Project Runaway was a pure delight and a tribute to all of us who spend our lives stitching and drawing dresses to make other women beautiful. I would love to see a whole series (I see a new genre! Move over bodice ripper- make way for the seam rippers!) around these young entrepreneurs, the sewing arcana and fashion world.

I waxed nostalgic on the return to New York's garment district. Who knew it would be gone one day- how could anyone? It seemed so permanent- I treasured every moment that I trod there and it was fun to see it immortalized in Runaway's text. I identified with the young designer- as will anyone who loves to sew- suffered her setbacks and triumphed right along with her.

The important takeaway from this novel is that there is a lifetime's worth of things to turn up just in the craft of sewing and that special relationship we all have with how we express ourselves with our culture's "traditional dress" as has been expressed by all human cultures. We certainly are not the only ones who spend so much time and invest so much heart in it. It's just intrinsically human.

Product details

  • Paperback 352 pages
  • Publisher Ring of Fire Publishing (June 11, 2013)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0615821340

Read Project Runaway Anne Hendren 9780615821344 Books

Tags : Project Runaway [Anne Hendren] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Set in New York and the Rocky Mountain west, Project Runaway wraps suicide and fraud inside the opulent intrigue of fashion and design in New York. Fashion designer Karin Ohlsson moves to the U.S. capital of fashion in 2004 to design clothes. She escapes but cannot quell a recurring dream—death and headstones. In New York she learns that original design does not exist and decides to run away. Like indentured servants before her,Anne Hendren,Project Runaway,Ring of Fire Publishing,0615821340,Fiction - General,Fiction Literary,Literary,Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)
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Project Runaway Anne Hendren 9780615821344 Books Reviews

Stories are how we inhabit other people's lives. Anne Hendren's "Project Runaway" took me into a life of art and clothing design, where every thing and every act are by done "by design" -- even acts of betrayal. Wonderfully imagined and beautifully written, "Project Runaway" is a runaway success.
If you like to have a story included in what you read, this book is for you.
If you like to acquire knowledge as you read, this book is also for you.
This author has to have a lot of knowledge about the fashion world to have come up with so much interesting information. And accurate information it is. This is an unknown world to most of us, and thus it keeps one wanting to read more.
As an Idahoan I particularly enjoyed the part of the story that took place in this part of the country. Again the author knew what she was talking about.
It is a fun book that is also educational. Prepare to see
what happens in the fashion world.
Though the New York and Idaho settings are worlds away from the sweatshops of Asia, Ms. Hendren gives us an insider's view of what it's like to work in the fashion industry the pressures, the jealousies, the disappointments. I adored the characters, each burdened with conflicts in career and battles of the heart. How Lois Wyse enlightened us to advertising agencies with her novel, "The Rosemary Touch," so does Anne Hendren for the fashion industry with "Project Runaway." A must read!
Project Runaway is an engaging story with a cast of characters who truly come to life. There is much research about the fashion industry which is evident in the plot. Reading this novel, you will not only be entertained but educated, as well. I highly recommend it.
Ms. Hendren writes with studious care about the fashion world; its ins and outs, the tension and creative theft between the established conniving designer and the ingenue designer with the new ideas. The wonderfully described scenes carry you forward from New York City to Idaho, through the maze of sewers, designers and friends. Very descriptive dress details that make you want to start your own line if you are a fashionista!
Project Runaway reminds me of The Wizard of Oz in several important respects Karin Ohlsson is young and wants to see the world. That wider view offers glitter, then disillusionment and danger. Ultimately, Karin prefers the wisdom and comfort of home. Project Runaway by Anne Hendren expertly develops these themes in a modern context. I recommend this book highly.

Mark Sanchez
Richmond, Virginia
Project Runaway was a pure delight and a tribute to all of us who spend our lives stitching and drawing dresses to make other women beautiful. I would love to see a whole series (I see a new genre! Move over bodice ripper- make way for the seam rippers!) around these young entrepreneurs, the sewing arcana and fashion world.

I waxed nostalgic on the return to New York's garment district. Who knew it would be gone one day- how could anyone? It seemed so permanent- I treasured every moment that I trod there and it was fun to see it immortalized in Runaway's text. I identified with the young designer- as will anyone who loves to sew- suffered her setbacks and triumphed right along with her.

The important takeaway from this novel is that there is a lifetime's worth of things to turn up just in the craft of sewing and that special relationship we all have with how we express ourselves with our culture's "traditional dress" as has been expressed by all human cultures. We certainly are not the only ones who spend so much time and invest so much heart in it. It's just intrinsically human.
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